Building a Personal Package


Tinashe M. Tapera


August 16, 2024

Do you ever find yourself revisiting short code snippets you’ve written over and over again? It’s probably a sign that you should be maintaining a personal R package.

You should have a package

There are multiple benefits to writing your own personal package. Some early career R programmers believe that package development is a task that you should only undertake if you’re creating something particularly novel, elaborate, or serious, when in truth an R package is just a collection of functions that help you get your job done. It can be as complex, or as simple, as you need it to be. Some advantages include improved code organization, easier code reuse, and better collaboration with others. Additionally, creating your own package allows you to document your functions and ensure they are well-tested, which can save you time in the long run. What’s more, you get to practice your package development workflow in a low-stakes environment, giving you the option to be as formal or informal as you want with regards to standardized workflows, tools, and frameworks. For example, I used my personal package as a way to test out a bunch of features from the fusen package, which is a package designed for “notebook-driven-development” that I’ve been investigating. Importantly, you can use the package to document any particularly elegant or novel solutions you might have come up with for niche situations you’ve been faced with in your work (without a place to put them existing beforehand, you’re less likely to document it when the moment arrives), and by using GitHub, have access to these solutions in a matter of seconds at any machine.

So, with all of that being said, here are 3 functions I put in my personal package to get the ball rolling. Over time, my list of functions will grow and the package’s utility will increase on its own.


If you ever find yourself doing this pattern often:

some_vector %>%
    unique() %>%

# OR

It’s time to write a function for it:

#' len_uniq
#' A short hand for unique() %>% length()
#' @param vec A vector with a various objects
#' @return The number of unique objects in the vector
#' @export
#' @examples
len_uniq <- function(vec) {

fusen allows me to write all of the function’s examples and tests in one single RMarkdown or Quarto document. Check out the repo to see how it works.


Likewise, I’m also prone doing this a lot:

some_vec %>%
    unique() %>%

# OR 

So, putting that in a function, I defined:

#' sort_uniq
#' A Shorthand for unique() %>% sort()
#' @param vec A vector that can be reasonably sorted
#' @return A sorted vector of unique values in the vector
#' @export
#' @examples
sort_uniq <- function(vec) {

Not %in% operator

This is a personal pet peeve of mine, so I had to write a function for it. Python’s not in is just too fun not to emulate in R:

#' %!in%
#' An operator that negates the %in% operator
#' @return boolean
#' @export
`%!in%` <- Negate(`%in%`)

And using these 3 functions, I already had enough material to develop a simple package that includes documentation with Roxygen, testing with testthat, and publishing with pkgdown — all useful skills to know before the day comes that you’re asked to build something “important”.


Even with that little effort, we’ve managed to develop a fully documented and operational personal R package available on Github for me to use whenever I need my shorthand snippets: tinasheR.

I hope this might encourage you to develop your own!